Elven Union vs Orcs

I forgot to bring a ball so we used a red die. My opponent won the coin toss and chose to be the receiver. We set out units then we roll on the kick-off table. My opponent could move a unit where the ball will land and catch it.

Orcs Turn 1:
They move the ball towards the middle of the pitch. They push one of my guys then box the ball.

Elven Union Turn 1:
I try so surround the ball and I stun a lineman and drop a blitzer and another lineman.

Orcs Turn 2:
Orcs retaliate, drop one of my guys and move the ball to the other side of the pitch.

Elven Union Turn 2:
I stun a lineman and kill another, then I surround the ball.

Orcs Turn 3:
They advance the ball a bit, kill one of my catchers, but then it's a turnover when my blizer blocks an attack.

Eleven Union Turn 3:
Dark blood starts to pump through my guys and they start breaking head. I knock down almost half of the opponents team and I steal the ball from him.

Orcs Turn 4:
They push my guys around but they do not manage to get to the ball.

Elven Union Turn 4:
With the first hit, it's a turnover.

Orcs Turn 5:
Orcs KO my thrower. They hit the ball carrier, ball drops but unfortunately they cannot grab it.

Elven Union Turn 5:
Elves get mad again and KO a Black Orc. My guys grab the ball and box it.

Orcs Turn 6:
Desperate to get the ball but they cannot break the box.

Elven Union Turn 6:
No obstacles in my way, I go straight for a TOUCHDOWN!!!

Orcs Turn 7:
Kick-off shows that it's perfect Blood Bowl weather.
They stun and knock down 2 of my guys.

Elven Union Turn 7:
I run towards the back of the pitch to get out of conflict.

Orcs Turn 8:
Orcs surround the down player, but managed only to stun him.

Elven Union Turn 8:
I just went further back.

Half Time:
I used my reserve, my thrower is still KO.

Elven Union Turn 9:
The kick-off allowed me to move everybody one space. Thrower grabs the ball and passed it to the blitzer.

Orcs Turn 9:
The wall of Orcs hit hard and make me drop the ball.

Elven Union Turn 10:
I go for the ball, I fail to pick it up, bounces to the blitzer but he fails to catch it. Turnover.

Orcs Turn 10:
They push my guys, free the ball and grab it.

Elven Union Turn 11:
My guys bitchslap some Orcs and make them drop the ball.

Orcs Turn 11:
Orcs got mad and killed a lineman and KO a thrower and a lineman. They picked up the ball, moved back and boxed it.

Elven Union Turn 12:
I broke the box, ball bounced in the hand of a Orc blitzer.

Orcs Turn 12:
Black orc knocked out of the way one of my guys. Blitzer passes the ball to a lineman and he runs as much as he can to be able to score.

Elven Union Turn 13:
I cannot get to the ball so I try to drop some of the Orcs. I fail. Turnover.

Orcs Turn 13:
TOUCHDOWN!!!  Score is 1 - 1.

Elven Union Turn 14:
Two of my guys get back on the pitch. The kick off allows the opponent a free turn and he knocks down one of my guys.
I grab the ball, pass it and run to score.

Orcs Turn 14:
Orcs run for the ball but fail to drop my guy.

Elven Union Turn 15:
TOUCHDOWN!!! Score is Elves 2 - 1 Orcs.

Orcs Turn 15:
Orcs go for the same scheme but fail the second 'Go for it'.

Elven Union Turn 16:
I pick up the ball pass it and I run with it as much as I can.

Orcs Turn 16:
Again they fail to grab the ball from my guy. Game ends.

Final score:   Elven Union 2 - 1 Orcs.

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