Path to Glory: Game 1: Blades of Khorne vs Stormcast Eternals

Mission: Altars of the Gods

Blades of Khorne:
  • General
    • Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury
  • Followers
    • 10-man Bloodletters
    • 5-man Flesh Hounds

Stormcast Eternals:
  • General
    • Vandus Hammerhand
  • Followers
    • 3-man Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers
    • 3-man Sequitors
    • Knight-Questor
The Deployment:
Prosecutors and Sequitors start in reserves.

Turn 1:
I move the Bloodthirster and the Bloodletters to the left objective and the Flesh Hounds to the right objective.
Enemy drops his reserves. Prosecutors assault my dogs but they manage to inflict only one wound.

Turn 2:
Bloodletters kill the Sequitors but they are brought back to life on the right side of the board. I manage to kill the Prosecutors. And the Bloodthirster kills the Knight-Questor.

Turn 3:
Sequitors kill my Flesh Hounds.

By the end of the game we were, both controlling two objectives and there was no way we could reach each other. Game ended in a draw.
I got one glory point and I spent it to receive a Skull Cannon.