Zombicide Invader

I bought Zombicide Invader and I painted all the zombie miniatures from the game.

I primed them all with white.

 I airbrushed Moot green on the lower parts of the bodies.

I airbrushed with yellow the small ones.

 I washed them.

I dry brushed with Moot green and yellow.

I painted the base with Khorne red.

I added cracking paint to the base and I paited the eyes and the claws.

I painted the edge of the base and added some blood.

I airbrushed the Hunters with light blue.

Then I washed them with Athonian Camoshade.

I dry brushed with Moot green and Imrik blue.

I painted the base with Khorne red.

I added cracking paint to the base and I paited the eyes and the claws.

To some of them I added a bit of blood.

One of the Tank models was missing a head.

So, I made him one.

I airbrushed them with Orange.

I washed them with Reikland Fleshshade.

I dry brushed with Moot green and Troll Slayer orange.

I painted the base with Khorne red.

I added cracking paint to the base and I painted the eyes and the claws.

I washed the brain and added blood.

I airbrushed the Abomination with red.

I washed it with Reikland Fleshshade.

I dry brushed with bright red, then I added some Troll Slayer orange and dry brushed again.

I painted the base with Khorne red, added cracking paint.

I added some highlights to the black and painted the eyes.

I painted all the tentacles with white and all the spikes with black.

I washed the tentacles and added highlights.

The whole box is finished and ready to kill.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice paint job! can you recommend an airbrush model to start with?
