Krull Servile Lord of Dis

I made a gradient that goes from black to mephiston red. I painted a black line on the back, then I continued with khorne red.

Then I covered the rest of the model with mephiston red.

Then I washed the whole model with bael red. I also primed the armor with white.

I painted the armor with gold.

 I also painted some surfaces of the armor with red.

 Then I painted the leather with bright brown.

Next I pained the the axe and some ornaments with silver.

I painted the horns with a gradient from black to bright brown and yellow.

I painted the second horn with a gradient from black to a blue-is white.

I brighten up the face and finished the legs.

I washed all the details with nuln oil and the gold with agrax earthshade.

 Then I edge highlighted the armor, painted the damaged parts of the armor with silver, added some blood for the blood god on the weapons and a knee, added gloss to the horns and painted the eyes with green.
 When I saw the photos I realized I made a big mistake. The armor and the model were both red, so I pained some of the armor plates with black for some contrast.
 I wanted to do a big base with a huge skull, but I dropped the idea because I needed more miliput that I currently have. I used some cork, some miliput that I cut from the skull and sand.
 I painted the cork with matte black and the sand with regular black.
 Dry brushed it with white.
 Added a dead scout and this is the final result.

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