Doubles Game 1 & 2

Game 1: World Eaters/Tau vs Chaos Daemons/ Black Legion
Mission: Ascension

Points: 2000
Deployment Type: Hammer and Anvil
Lists: Doubles lists

The Deployment:
Crysis and Commanders in reserves. Abaddon, Obliderators and Bloodletters in reserves. I already moved in the photo.

Chaos/Tau Turn 1:
Crisis and Commander dropped on the building on the middle and a squad of Flesh Hounds.

Chaos/Daemons Turn 1: 
Bloodletters dropped behind the Rhinos and assaulted them. Flesh Hounds, Spawn and Cultists also assaulted the Rhinos. They managed to kill a Rhino and some of the Berserkers died since I could not place them.

Chaos/Tau Turn 2:
Berserkers managed to get out of the bling mobile and assaulted the Cultists and killed them. We started to argue, I got really mad and forgot to take pictures.

Chaos/Daemons Turn 2:
They killed the Commander with psychic powers and killed another Rhino and I removed all of the Berserkers since I was to angry to place them.

Chaos/Tau Turn 3:
I killed the Bloodletters and the Daemon Prince.

Chaos/Daemons Turn 3:
Obliderators dropped killed everything I had.
Game ended Black Legion/Chaos Daemons 9 - 8 World Eaters/Tau.

Game 2: World Eaters/Tau vs Tyranids
Mission: Resupply Drop
Points: 2000
Deployment Type: Spearhead Assault

The Deployment:
Crysis and Commanders in reserves. Mawloc with Gaunts and 3 Tyrants in reserves.

Chaos/Tau Turn 1:
Rhinos moved 12" towards the enemy. Two Commanders dropped and did 7 wounds on the Exocrine. Crisis took out a Biovore and another Commander took out another.

Tyranind Turn 1:
Commanders died, Crisis died.

Chaos/Tau Turn 2:
Rhinos failed to kill the gaunts. Commanders failed to kill a Carnifex.

Tyranind Turn 2:
I got angry again and I forgot to take photos. One Rhino pops and one Commander dies.

Chaos/Tau Turn 3:
Berserkers kill the Exocrine. Berserkers kill some gaunts but then die from caustic blood.

Tyranind Turn 3: 
Berserkers near the Carnifex die. Tau Warlord dies from a charge. Mawloc comes out of the ground and inflicts 2 mortal wounds on the Dark Apostle.

Chaos/Tau Turn 4:
I kill the Mawlock then I concede since I was going to be tabled. 

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