Elven Union vs Dark Elves

Round 1:
Dark Elves Turn 1:
My opponent wins the coin toss and chooses to be the receiver.

The kick off event allows him to move one square with all units.

He picks up the ball, passes it, fails to catch it.

Elven Union Turn 1:
My guys start punching, I KO one guy and one of mine gets stunned.

Dark Elves Turn 2:
They get the ball but leave it undefended.

Elven Union Turn 2:
I clear the middle of the pitch and go for the ball.

Dark Elves Turn 3:
They secure the middle of the pitch, ball carrier is still in harms way.

Elven Union Turn 3:
Luckily for my opponent I only roll pushes and get the ball in a safer position.

Dark Elves Turn 4:
A good push from the Witch and the ball gets on the other side of the pitch.

Elven Union Turn 4:
I go straight for the ball and drop the player.

Dark Elves Turn 5:
They drop my player but they leave the ball on the ground.

Elven Union Turn 5:
I run with everyone that I can to secure the ball.

Dark Elves Turn 6:
My opponent does the same.

Elven Union Turn 6:
I continue to gather more guys near the ball.

Dark Elves Turn 7:
Still they fail to get the ball.

Elven Union Turn 7:
With a well placed Blitz from the Catcher, I recover the ball, get it to the middle of the pitch, pass it, catch it, dodge and score. OMG!!! Touchdown!

We skipped turn 8, there was no chance that the Dark Elves could score.

Round 2:
Elven Union Turn 1:
Ball bounces to the middle left side of the pitch.

I clear the center, grab the ball, pass it and run as far as I can.

Dark Elves Turn 1:
They get in position to kick my ass but stumble in front of my guy.

Elven Union Turn 2:
I dodge and I score another TOUCHDOWN.

Dark Elves Turn 2:
Ball bounces in a good position.

They pick it up, pass it and run.

Elven Union Turn 3:
A good punch and I manage to steal the ball.

Dark Elves Turn 3:
Retribution is delivered and a lot of my guys are down.

Elven Union Turn 4:
I punch a guy out of the way and pick up the ball. Brutal turn as I kill one and KO 2 more.

Dark Elves Turn 4:
They mange to recover the ball.

Elven Union Turn 5:
I completely surround them.

Dark Elves Turn 5:
They try to sneak the ball but they fail a catch and they drop it. My opponent conceded.

Final score Elven Union 2 - 0 Dark Elves.
I liked the game, my opponent probably not so much, as I removed more that half of his team.
Elves are amazing. The high agility value allows you to get the ball from one end to the other.

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