Warhammer Underworld: Shadespire - Stormcast Eternals vs Khorne Bloodbound

We played 2 games of this short version of Age of Sigmar. Fuck off Sigmarines!

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire is an action-packed combat game for two players. Build your warband, construct your deck, and defeat your rivals.

Shadespire was once a city of wonder and magic, a mercantile metropolis whose rulers defied death, to the fury of Nagash. This fury was made manifest in something worse than destruction – drawing upon the mysterious power of the shadeglass that gave the city its power, Nagash tore away the light and glory of Shadespire, leaving it a twisted reflection of its former splendour. Those adventurers foolish enough to set foot within its walls are trapped, with all hope seemingly lost. Yet not all will accept their fate without a fight…

Since I was playing Khorne I went full on combat. By the end of turn 3 all my units were dead. They were taken out just by 2 models. First game ended Sirmarines 10 - 1 Khorne.

The second game I used a different tactic. I got to chose the first board and placed it so I can control more objectives than my opponent.

Than he set the second board. At first I thought that it was good for me that there were so few spaces to pass from one board to the other, but then I started to get missions to control the objectives on the other side.

I places 3 objectives on my territory and he placed 2 on his side.

Turn 1:
He set his Sigmarines close to my territory and started to move towards my units. I set my units on objectives and run away from the blue boys.

Turn 2:
He charged one of my units, got some wounds, then I hit that guy 3 times and no wound.

Turn 3:
I charged with 2 more units still I couldn't wound the Sigmarines. After that, 4 of my guys died.

Game ended in again with Sigmarines victory. 14-3
It's a nice game, it's fast and components look very good.
Stormcast Eternals are so overpowered that 1 model took out all 5 of mine.
I'm looking forward to playing it again since I already bought the Skaven expansion.
My final thought on the game: DON"T PLAY AGAINST STORMCAST ETERNALS!

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