Mission: Maelstorm of War: Spoils of War
Deployment Type: Search and Destroy
Point Limit: 1500
Chaos Space Marines:
Battalion Detachment: Legion: Night Lords
- HQ
- Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour equipped with Chainfist, Combi-melta, Intoxicating Elixir, Mark of Slaanesh, Warlord trait : Lord of Terror
- Chaos Lord with Jump Pack equipped with Combi-melta, Power fist, Mark of Khorne
- Troops
- 10-man Chaos Cultists equipped with 10 x Autogun, Mark of Slaanesh
- 10-man Chaos Cultists equipped with 10 x autopistol and brutal assault weapon, Mark of Khorne
- 5-man Chaos Space Marines equipped with Bolt pistol, Combi-flamer, Plasma gun, 3 x Boltgun, Mark of Slaanesh
- Elites
- 5-man Chaos Terminators equipped with 10 x Lightning Claw, Mark of Khorne
- Fast Attack
- 2 x 5-man Raptors equipped with Combi-plasma, 2 x Plasma gun, Power fist, Mark of Khorne
- 5-man Warp Talons, Mark of Khorne
- Heavy Support
- 9-man Havocs equipped with 4 x Missile launcher, 5 x Boltgun, Mark of Slaanesh
- Maulerfiend equipped with Lasher tendrils, Mark of Khorne
- Dedicated Transport
- Chaos Rhino equipped with 2 x Combi-bolter, Mark of Khorne
Adeptus Astartes:
Battalion Detachment: Chapter: Space Wolves
- HQ
- Primaris Librarian equipped with Force sword
- Wolf Lord equipped with Combi-melta, Jump Packs, Krakenbone Sword
- Troops
- 3 x 5-man Grey Hunters equipped with 5 x chainswords and Bolt Pistol
- Elites
- Lukas the Trickster
- Fast Attack
- 7-man Skyclaws equipped with 3 x Flamer, Combi-flamer
- 7-man Skyclaws equipped with 3 x Meltagun, Combi-melta, 2 x Frost sword
- Heavy Support
- Land Raider Crusader equipped with Hunter-killer missile, 2x Hurricane bolter, Multi-melta, Storm bolter, Twin assault cannon
- Flyer
- Stormwolf equipped with Twin helfrost cannon, 2 x Lascannon, 2 x Twin heavy bolter
The Deployment:
Wolf Lord and Flamer Skyclaws start in the Land Raider. Melta Skyclaws start in the Stormwolf. I set my Raptors, Terminators, Warp Talons and Chaos Lords in deep strike and the Marines are inside the Rhino.
Space Wolves Turn 1:
Wolf Lord jumps out of the Land Raider and melts the Rhino. The other weapons of the Land Raider kill a squad of Cultist. One squad of Grey Hunters also kill a few Cultists.
Night Lords Turn 1:
I drop the Chaos Lords, one behind the Havocs and one near the Maulerfiend. Havocs and Lords manage to blow up the Stormwolf which kills six Havocs and two Skyclaws. Then the Lord with Jump pack kills in combat the rest of the Skyclaws. Maulerfiend assaults the Land Raider and inflicts only two wounds. Chaos Space Marines assault the Grey Hunters but the Wolf Lord intervenes and kills them.
Space Wolves Turn 2:
Skyclaws disembark and burn two wounds off the Chaos Lord. They assault him, he saves everything then he kills five guys. Land Raider disengages. After the shooting phase the Maulerfiend is left in two wounds and is assaulted by the Wolf Lord, Lucas and the Librarian. I interrupt the assault and inflict four wounds on the Wolf Lord. The Maulerfiend is killed and he explodes killing the enemy warlord and two more Skyclaws.

Night Lords Turn 2:
I drop all my units left in reserves. Havocs and Melta from the Chaos Lord leave the Land Raider in seven wounds. Jump pack Lord kills Lucas, the other Lord kills the last Skyclaw. Raptors try to assault the Land Raider, they fail and I lose 2 models from overwatch. All other units fail the charge.

Space Wolves Turn 3:
Grey Hunters shoot at kill one Warp Talon. Land Raider kills two Havocs and one Raptor. Other Grey Hunters kill one Cultist. Librarian assault the Lords, but dies from overwatch.
Night Lords Turn 3:
Chaos Lords and Raptors surround the Land Raider, assault it and kill it. Warp Talons and the other squad of Raptors assault and kill a squad of Grey Hunters. Cultist assault the last squad of Grey Hunters but they all die.
Since my opponent had left only 4 Marines he conceded. I expected more close combat units and high AP weapons, but the game went one sided when things started to blow up and ended with a major Chaos victory. I hoped I get to use the Night Lords abilities and make a lot of units to run off the table.
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